Read Our Selection of Blogs

Interesting perspectives, unique experiences and keen observations - from our CEO, staff, partners and friends
Radio is Still Relevant

Radio is Still Relevant

Hannah Fitt, Director of The SAFE Foundation, and Habbiba Mackintosh, a volunteer at SAFE, for World Radio Day, 2013 Back in 2010 we were working in India in the scrub jungle of Tamil Nadu. It ‘s a...

The Many Sounds of Radio

The Many Sounds of Radio

Mary Myers for World Radio Day, 2013 My love of radio started in Mali in the early 1990’s in a small community station in Douentza in the arid Sahel, not far from Mopti.  Radio Douentza was one of...

International Tom Hanks Day

International Tom Hanks Day

It’s the tenth anniversary of International Tom Hanks Day. It’s founder, Kevin Turk, has some fun things planned this year. Find out how you can get involved.

Not the Picture the Brochure Painted – Mozambique in 1993

Not the Picture the Brochure Painted – Mozambique in 1993

In 1993, just a year after the peace accords ended a brutal civil war where a million people were killed and five million were displaced, I took a mini-break in Maputo. I was working in the private sector in Johannesburg back then and couldn’t resist a holiday by the sea.

Starting All Over Again in Zimbabwe

Starting All Over Again in Zimbabwe

Although they’re located just to the north of us in South Africa, I hadn’t been to Zimbabwe since 2003. Back then I was involved in providing our radios for a local language soap opera drama to help communities learn about health issues…

Whirlwinds Of Change

Whirlwinds Of Change

When the London cabbie driving me to Paddington on Sunday asked where I was going and I replied that I was headed to Ethiopia, he said ‘What’s it like there now, is everyone still starving? Perceptions, it seems, aren’t easy to erase.


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