Esila | For Girls

Esila | For Girls

Girls in Kenya receive Fenix radio-lights and menstrual hygiene products as part of the Esila (‘for girls’) campaign. Our partners are the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation and the Bethel Network.

A SoundStart for Preschool Children

A SoundStart for Preschool Children

Working with GROW Educare Centers, our Lifeplayers are providing interactive music-based learning opportunities for disadvantaged preschool children in Cape

Early Childhood Learning

Early Childhood Learning

Investment in early learning education has greater cost savings and payback than at any other time in life, benefiting poor and vulnerable children most.

Radio Schools for Child Labourers

Radio Schools for Child Labourers

In the 2000s, Tanzania embarked on an interactive radio instruction (IRI) initiative for primary school children engaged in the worst forms of child labour.

Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition

Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition

Help educate Zambian mothers and save childrens’ lives. Preparing mothers in the first 1,000 days from conception with maternal nutrition and health information is crucial for a child’s growth and development.

Tsunami Relief

Tsunami Relief

Tsunami Relief Indonesia The 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia left more than 250,000 people dead and five million people homeless facing the huge challenge of piecing back together their shattered...
Learn English Audio Programme – LEAP

Learn English Audio Programme – LEAP

An estimated 50,000 school children in Ethiopia now have the opportunity to learn English thanks to the British Council (BC) and Lifeline Energy. A special emphasis has been placed on girls’ instruction and those who are visually impaired.