Project Muraho – Radios for Child-Headed Households
Over 14 years we placed 15,000 solar and wind-up radios with child-headed households in Rwanda reaching 200,000 listeners. Most were survivors of the genoci
In 2006, we received a grant from the World Bank Development Marketplace to test pilot a foot-powered generator use to generate income for poor communities
In 2012 Lifeline Energy partnered with US NGO, Coffee Lifeline, in a project funded by SC Johnson to distribute 225 Lifeplayer MP3s to farming communities in northern Rwanda.
In 2006, Rwanda’s population of nearly 10 million made it the most densely concentrated in Africa. Maternal mortality rates are among the world’s highest. .
Prior to the 1994 genocide, coffee was the primary cash crop of Rwanda. After the war, the coffee sector was devastated and struggled to recover. Farmers and aid agencies have worked hard to revitalise Rwanda’s place in the global specialty coffee market