#THD2019 Facts
International Tom Hanks Day obviously celebrates an acting great. Some things you may not know about the day though:
It started on April Fool’s Day, 16 years ago, with a bunch of students watching Tom Hanks movies on a double decker couch in Kalamazoo. (I know right?!) They enjoyed the day so much, they did it every year after that, inviting more people to join them each time. After hearing about their annual tradition, Tom Hanks sent them some autographed memorabilia for one of their events. The guys used the ‘swag’ to raise funds for a charity Tom Hanks was supporting – Lifeline Energy. And that is how the day, and our connection with it, all started.
This year, the main event was held in Chicago, with other satelite events being held around the country and one taking place in the Netherlands.

Ohio satellite event

The theme for the #THD2019 party was Turner and Hooch, which made for some ‘interesting’ moments.

2019 T-shirt and Beanie Design

Winner of the autographed typewriter that Tom Hanks sent from his collection.

Thank you
The Lifeline Energy team would like to thank everyone who contributed to making this day what it is: Tom Hanks, for being who he is, otherwise we wouldn’t be having this day; the guys organising ITHD – we admire your energy, enthusiasm and big hearts; all the fans who supported the event or donated. This means we will be able to send much needed solar/wind-up radio-lights to the survivors of the devastating cyclone Idai in Mozambique and help them rebuild their lives. We will also be sending radios to mothers in Kenya for Tawanga | Knowledge that Builds.

image source: AFP/Adrien Barbier
Tens of thousands of families lost everything with the two cylcones and catastrophic flooding that ravaged Mozambique. The displaced need access to radio information urgently. Please help us provide solar and wind-up radio-lights that will be distributed by local organisations.