The main aim of the British Council-Ethiopia Learn English Audio Pilot (LEAP) initiative is to improve English language learning by establishing extra-curricular English language clubs in schools, and providing Learning Boxes for the clubs. Each Learning Box contains reading materials and two Lifeplayers, giving access to a range of audio materials.
This initiative was launched in 2012-13 in 170 secondary and preparatory schools, with the project extending to other areas in 2013-14. In preparation for this, the British Council provided training to teacher-trainers at six centres, during November 2013. The intention was for these teacher-trainers to provide cascade training in LEAP to other teachers in their schools.
Research was conducted after training to assess attitudes to LEAP, and the use of the Lifeplayers as a teaching tool.
Having access to audio material as part of the LEAP project benefited teachers in the following ways:
- Gave them access to audio material they could use to teach listening skills, which receives the least attention in Ethiopian schools
- Pronunciation
- Integrating listening with other language skills
The full report from the British Council can be found here.