Speaking-up in South Sudan
We’re delighted to be supporting the Africa Educational Trust (AET) which is using our Lifeplayer MP3s in their successful Speak Up radio education programme.
We’re delighted to be supporting the Africa Educational Trust (AET) which is using our Lifeplayer MP3s in their successful Speak Up radio education programme.
Investment in early learning education has greater cost savings and payback than at any other time in life, benefiting poor and vulnerable children most.
Our solar Lifeplayer MP3s will provide knowledge access in northern Kenya’s pastoral communities where educational opportunities have been few, especially
An estimated 50,000 school children in Ethiopia now have the opportunity to learn English thanks to the British Council (BC) and Lifeline Energy. A special emphasis has been placed on girls’ instruction and those who are visually impaired.
After emerging from decades of civil conflict, the education sector had to be rebuilt from scratch. Our Lifeplayer MP3 played a role in training teachers and educating primary school pupils.