We want to thank our extremely generous Tom Hanks Day supporters yet again. This time we’re thanking those who donated to the survivors of the cyclones and flooding that devastated parts of Mozambique earlier in the year. For the first time in recorded history, Mozambique experienced two category five hurricanes, and within six weeks of each other.

We are delighted to report that our new Fenix radio-lights have been distributed to communities who were in the eye of the second hurricane, Kenneth. The majority of the shipment was distributed to community leaders in Quissanga, an area that took a direct hit from Cyclone Kenneth south of Pemba, the tourist town and capital of the Cabo Delgado Province.

Care Mozambique, our principal distribution partner, selected the hardest hit areas where people lost nearly everything they owned. Local Care staff sat with community leaders (who are mainly men) to demonstrate the Fenix and to ask them questions.

When asked if the Fenix would be helpful to them, here are some of community leaders’ replies:

  • They will now be able to receive information through the radio, which means they can share any pertinent information to households in their community.
  • They will be able to charge-up their phones. This will be important in terms of maintaining communication with aid organizations.
  • The flashlight will be used on a daily basis as none of the communities have access to electricity. At present, most households have been setting fires inside their homes for warmth and light using wood.

The leaders said that they would like to have many more of the devices as every household should have one.

We are truly grateful for your support and hope you will continue to support this wonderful initiative.

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