From radio school student to tech pioneer
Cephas never forgot his humble beginnings, learning to read and write under the shade of a fig tree, with the wind-up radio as his daily companion and guide.
Cephas never forgot his humble beginnings, learning to read and write under the shade of a fig tree, with the wind-up radio as his daily companion and guide.
We are thrilled to see our 25,000 Fenix radio-lights being distributed to school children in Sierra Leone. As children remain in lockdown, the radios enable students to listen to school lessons which are aligned with the national curriculum.
It’s one thing to hear about classrooms with 200 students, but it’s another to visit one. While at Kakuma Refugee Camp we spent time in a Grade 3 classroom packed with 200 students. There wasn’t so much as a chair or brick for them to sit on. all of Kakuma’s 24 primary schools are overcrowded.
Education provides a way to help to rebuild a refugee child’s life through normalising social interaction and gaining knowledge and skills. We believe our power-independent Lifeplayers have an important role to play in providing education and information when it’s needed most.
By Jonathan Coxall | Africa Educational Trust (AET) is partnering with Lifeline Energy to deliver Speak Up, a radio-based English language course for youth and adults in 130 rural communities in South Sudan.
When my mother died in 2006, she left me some money ̶ not a life-changing amount, but enough to think about. If you have enough money to stay afloat, I find the most fun you can have with money is throwing it at things that matter